Updated 20th, May 2009.
Cooking 4 all Seasons came into existence because I wanted to write a cookbook. One fine morning, I was struck with this urge to think about something else other than diapers, feeds, diapers and feeds. I won't claim I got up from sleep as those days, there hardly was any sleep. Our twin boys were 5 months old then. We had our hands full with the boys and a 5-year-old. Still, I went ahead and broached this subject to my partner in crime. He gave me a look that asked if I was crazy. So I didn't ask him much but went ahead with my ways and rest, as they say, is history, or else you won't get to read this post after nearly two years right!
By occupation, I am a software professional. The times when I am not at the office, I am seen either running behind my 3 kids or cooking to feed my family. The time that is left to me is naturally spent thinking about how and what to blog on, which is mostly everyday simple Indian food. These are what I have learnt from my mom, from my mother-in-law (Athamma), and some of my own creations. Food is never so delicious if there isn't a memory associated with that. And that's how I think about all dishes. Each one of them brings back many memories and I enjoy the thoughts that flow.
Hailing from a place that never has all the four seasons in its actual sense, I have always been fascinated with the four different seasons. So it was only natural that I think of a name depicting it. But if truth be told, it hardly was no longer than a minute when I pondered on the name. And there I was thinking I was doing a great thing by coming up with a cooking blog! I also kind of like the way it appeals to me on a metaphorical level. One thing led to another and I ended up having one too many topics to brag on!
With the boys growing up to eat regular food, I found it even more challenging to prepare food that they would like to eat. So on top of having an older kid who is a picky eater, I now ended up with a bunch of them. I felt the need to have a space dedicated to cooking 'Kid friendly' dishes that would vanish in a wisp! So you can check out Spice your life, space where I felt comfortable discussing issues that crop up for Parents, record dishes that a toddler would gobble up, and easy breeze dishes for bachelors. Now don't ask me how that came about, it’s another story! Another most interesting topic is covering Diabetes, authored by my Dad. You can read more about it in Spice your life.
Finally, after 500+ recipes and many months passed, my hubby dear got convinced that I was serious about publishing a cookbook. So that's what is keeping us busy right now. We are hoping we would get the book out by end of this year! Will surely share it as I make more progress.
If you want to contact me for anything specific, please free to mail me [email protected]
If you are interested to know about the Facebook Page that I created, then check out Cooking 4 all Seasons on Facebook
Apart from the usual questions I get asked lot of questions on dishes that I have already posted.
For ideas on what I have already posted please check my Menu
My dear readers and friends, I thank you for all the support given to me. I invite you all, to sit back and enjoy what the Seasons have to offer you!
In the process my dear readers maybe you can let me know how you landed here? Would really love to know whatever little that you can share about your life! Do drop a word or two..no?..:)