Now talk about same ingredients taking form as different dishes! The grated carrot and coconut finds its way in yet another form, now the famous Vadas! We had this recipe bookmarked for a long time but since this involves deep frying I had been avoiding it and saying no to Athamma whenever she asked for this. Finally Athamma decided she will do it herself and not wait for me. Well not that I say no to any deep fried loves. But it does sound good right when you say you don't want to eat fried stuff!. She got all the things ready and said there is no going back now. So what else to do but to fry these lovely ones!
Hubby dear won't have anything to do with these. Well its his loss we thought and enjoyed dipping them hot in tomato sauce. We packed some for parents too and they too really liked it. Its really hard to make Konda eat any of these, so didn't even bother forcing her to taste. While Peddu was more interested in licking the sauce. Kids, I tell you, they are least interested in things you want them to be.
Konda's teacher wanted her to find out about her blood group. Since off late she's got scared of injections, we have never taken a test, so we have been postponing. Finally last evening, she insisted it be done. Though I knew she will have same as mine, hubby dear took her for test this morning. Should I say I was very glad it was same! Well small pleasures I guess. Anyway we were upset in sending Peddu alone to play school. Chinnu was feeling low, so sent Peddu alone. I called up to know how Peddu is, I was told that he cried for sometime and went searching the rooms for his brother. Then he cooled and settled down playing. I was choking down imaging how lonely he must've felt. Anyway life teaches you many things. Trying to face adversaries is the most important one. I can't think of a more adverse situation for a kid of his age.
Well before I go all soppy, here is how we made the vada.
Makes about 10 medium sized Vadas
Ingredients Needed:
Grated Carrot - 1 cup
Grated Coconut - 1 cup
Gram Flour / Besan - 2 tsp
Rice Flour - 2 tsp
Urad Dal - 1 tsp - 4 hrs soaked
Onion - 1 medium
Ginger - 1" grated
Coriander leaves - few springs
Green chilli - 1 finely chopped
Chili powder - 1/2 tsp
Cloves-Cinnamon powder - 1/4 tsp
Cumin seeds - 1/2 tsp
Salt to taste
Oil for frying
Wash and soak the urad dal for about 4 hrs. Its got to be soft.
Grate Carrot and coconut. Chop the Onions, Chillis, Coriander leaves.
In a bowl, take the besan and rice flour along with all other ingredients. Mix well. Add more besan if needed to get a batter that holds shape. Add very little water to bind.
Using your left palm, take little of the batter the size of a ball and pat them down. Make a hole in middle for it to get fried well.
Heat a pan with oil. Once its hot, gently drop these shaped vadas and cook on both sides.
Once done, drain on over kitchen towel.
Serve hot with tomato sauce. I think this tastes great when hot, but no harm trying it warm if you want!
Ramki says
Urad dal need not be ground into a batter ? Is the soaked dal just mixed in ?
SriLekha says
wow... different recipe.... i will try it once... i love it...
lakshmi says
Paavam Peddu - give him loads of kisses from my side. An equal amount to Chinnu so he gets well soon 🙂
kamala says
Very sad to hear Peddu is alone at school...How is chinnu doing now? Me and hubby are of same blood group , so I was more confident when checking for the kids...But unfortunately they both don't..Btw Vada without grinding process...Sounds easy..Yesterday I made Urad dhal Vada for it is the tradition at our place for Aadi 1
Sangeeth says
great vada recipe sri...lovely...
Shreya says
very different recipe for vada.. like the combo of carrot and coconut..thanks for the recipe...
ranji says
AWwwwwwwww..i feel so bad for peddu..u r right no greater misery to face than this...give both of them my big hug...hope chinnu gets well soon too so peddu doesnt face these situations again...
even i try to stay away from fried stuffs ..thinking of all the oil and fat ..
a nice twist to the original donuts ;)...i add a lot of chopped curry leaves..they give gr8 flavor to vadas...
Jaya says
this looks so mouth-watering ..
and I know when you say kids dont eat what you want them to eat LOL..
mine is exactly the same ..
hugs and smiles
Cham says
Poor Pedu, he felt alone 🙁 Love the vada seems very different
thatz a new recipe .. looks yummy
Vaishali says
Delectable vadas, Srivalli.
Divya Vikram says
Nice reading about your cuties..The vadas should have tasted great..A nice variation
meeso says
Looks good, my daughter will eat this till she bursts!
Usha says
Unique recipe,looks delicious...
Nags says
what a lovely snack! surely going to try it!
Nags says
looks nice and crunchy 🙂
satya says
My heart went out to poor peddu....What was his reaction after finding chinnu at home?
bhags says
Hope Chinnu is doing good now......crispy vadai.....looks wonderful with the tomato sauce
Srivalli says
Ramki, the urad dal gets added as whole, thats the whole differance!..:)
SriLekha, thank you
lakshmi, yeah thanks...will pass them to both of them...chinnu is better today
kamala, thank you..chinnu is doing much better we sent him to school..thats nice to know...hubby was saying his chinnu will surely be his group..:) you had a great aadi!!
ranji, thanks will surely pass it to them..I am sure all your love and affection will get them alright!
glad you liked the vada
Jaya, thanks...:0)..glad you liked it
Cham , yep he was. But I guess after a while he got adjusted..
Shreya, Sangeeth, Nags, Usha, meeso, Vaishali, Sumi, thanks for your lovely comments!
Divya, thank you...try it out when you have time
satya, thank you so much...when he came back home, he went straight to the bedroom in search of him and he kissed him and patted him to sleep...and when we asked what he did in the school, he showed in action that he cried that chinnu was not was so adorable!
bhags, yes thank you..he is doing much better...