Readers who have been following this blog, would know my obsession with the Chili Bajjis that my Athamma makes. It makes an excellent combination with Uggani, a dish made with Puffed Rice and seasoned with onions and tomatoes. In Anathapuram, this is not only relished at home, its also common street food. Any corner you turn, you will find busy men, churning out hot chili bajjis, and some already placed on big molds of Uggani in their carts. Its a real feast to eat right off those carts. This is eaten for breakfast, though now we find it too heavy for a breakfast item.
But I am ready any time of the day for this yummy bajjis! Would you believe we shot this early in the morning and it was too tempting not to taste one!
For pictorial on making this specialty bajjis, you can visit this post. There I have shown, how the regular green chilies are sautéed in a pan and then stuffed with malasa and then deep-fried. Another easy one for people who can't have those real fiery ones, they can half fry this bajjis, remove and cut them into 2-3 smaller pieces and deep fry them again. These are called the Cut Mirchi's.
On every visit to our sister in-laws place, a breakfast of Uggani and Mirapakaya bajji is a must! This is what we had during our visit last summer!
Now coming to the video, hope you like it!
Swati Raman Garg says
you can take all d efforts huh... and i really admire u for it...
satya says
Atthamma seems to share your enthusiasm equally Srivalli...So sweet of her...:)
I make mirapakaya bajjis frequently too...with a different stuffing and as a tea time snack.
zlamushka says
have I told you how much i adored stuffed chili bajji? such a great snack, appetizer, lunch or dinner. what do you usually eat with it? For me, cucumber or tomato raita usually works the best, for its cooling effect....
kamala says
My hubbys fav one.But i didnt made at home.Another one to try .Love the video
arundati says
brought back memories of the best molaga bajjis i ever have had....from the bandi outside the back gate of the PSG ladies hostel in coimbatore....!!
Arundathi says
thanks valli - that video was really great!!
Sukanya Ramkumar says
This makes me to remember the Mirapakaya Bajji sold in Marina beach - Chennai... Love them a lot.. Really wanted to try ur version...
Uma says
Yumm! Mirapakaya bajjis! I can smell them from the video. Call me when you make them again, I'll be glad to consume them all! Just kidding.
Siri says
the video is very nice Srii and great effort..:D Ur attamma is so sweet..:)
I didn't know abt cut mirchi...cutting them and frying again seems like a nice idea!
Kalai says
Awesome video, Valli! It's really great that Athamma is so willing to share her experience with all of us. Bajjis look perfect! 🙂
Asha says
We used to eat stret cart Menasinkai bajji a LOT in B'lore, LOVED them. Somehow, I never get that taste at home, got to try your's!:)
Hope you had a good weekend eating all those Bajjis. Of course you did!:D
Divya Vikram says
nice one..nice video..
Mallika says
That looks amazing. I have tried something like this stuffed with mango pickle before. Yum!
musical says
Lovely bajjis, Srivalli. Hey and thanks for the lil' shout-out :). Sorry for getting in touch so late.
Jayashree says
You have me craving for chilli bajjis now!!!
Homecooked says
Nice video!!! Love bhajiyas of any kind 🙂
Swati Raman Garg says
sriiii.. iam sure u knew it.. but why didnt u mention you anniversary on this post... ur blog turned 1 on 12th may haan ... my belated wishes... u r a star...