Though I am extremely fond of Paneer Butter Masala and can eat it everyday, I will still welcome a dal with open arms. And most times I really can't tag a dish as belonging to a particular cuisine as I always end up tweaking to my own taste. So unless I try a dish from a source who claim authenticity over it, I don't tag it anything but from my kitchen! I am sure this is true with many of you. Recipes are only there to guide, we are at liberty to add in a flavour that's close to our heart.
Like I love tasting and feeling that pungent and striking sense when you bite into a garlic. I can add garlic to anything and still love it. But if you give me ginger, please I may not talk to you again. Well not literally but I am somehow a bit biased on ginger. Haven't got over my childhood outlook towards that, I guess.
Coming back to the dish for today, I have posted something similar already. Just wanted to try a different combination along with a vegetable. I truly believe even adding or introducing a new spice to the same old dish, makes it a refreshing change. And that's what happened. It was the same old Moong dal but a simple change here and there, you have a new dish all together!
And cabbages are such things that when you buy them, they never seem to get over. I make a stir fry, then a kootu, then something else, finally this dal. There is still something left.
Of course it made our lunch box experience better as we had a new topic to discuss!
Today's Lunch Box had
Moong Dal with Cabbage
Curd Rice
This takes about 15 minutes from start to completion and adds as a great boon for a quick lunch box!
Ingredients Needed:
Moong Dal - 1 cup
Cabbage - 150 gms
Onions - quarter of an onion
Tomatoes - 1 medium
Red chili powder - 1 tsp
Cumin Seeds - 1/2 tsp
Salt to taste
Oil - 1 - 2 tspMethod to prepare:
Shred cabbage into fine pieces. Wash and pressure cook Moong dal along with cabbage with a pinch of turmeric. One whistle is enough as we don't want the moong dal to be over cooked.
Heat a pan with oil, add in the cumin seeds. When they splutter add the onions, fry till they are done but not brown. Then goes the tomatoes, salt. Cover with a lid and cook till the tomatoes are soft and done.
Add the Red chili powder and simmer again till oil comes out of the sides. Now add in the cooked dal with cabbage. Mix everything well. Simmer till the dal is done.
Serve with chapatis.
Do check out these delicious Ribbon Pakoda before you take off!
anubhavati says
Hi Srivalli,
Lovely post...and a good one on the ginger!!! I love the aroma of ginger in tea though!!! Many tmes ginger cant be replaced you know!!! Garlic., welll...thats another story altogether!!!
Easy Moong Dal Cabbage...and a quick easy slurpy lunch. YUM.
Sharmila says
Oh don't worry about your writing Valli dear .. just keep giving us such good reads and recipes. Your lunch boxes are always sooo tempting. 🙂
Pari says
here's another simple and healthy dal. I agree a little bit here amd there and you get a new version. And that's the reason home cooked meal is not monotonous.
Bhawna says
I always like ur writing style. its always from heart and very honest. Thanks for the recipe, ur lunch box looks yummy.
indosungod says
Valli, this is my go to dal for something quick and easy. I had the same problems with ginger and kids protested when they bit into it and then I started grating ginger. Nobody complains.
Random Thoughts says
nicely written post...cabbage is one of those things that somehow finds itself in the vegetable basket every week!! looks very nice...
jeyashrisuresh says
such a quick and easy recipe. will try it soon
chakhlere says
wow I loved this Idea. Cabbage with moong dal!! Yummy!!
Priya says
Definitley a delicious dish, never tried adding moongdal with cabbage, i do with channadal, will try next time..
pooja says
Hi Srivalli!
Im newest kid on the block if I may say so..Kid coz today I created my blog n posted my first entry. I credit bloggers like you, Priya n many more who have initiated me into blogging world by ur lively posts. Thank you so much and I request you and other fellows to visit my blog and leave their comments and suggestions. Thank you once again!
Chitra says
This is very simple and looks delicious too..Will try for sure ..
Medhaa says
I agree about the cabbage, I look out for the smallest one and still it never gets over. This is a nice way to use it will try this out soon. Whats in the fourth box? just curious
Lebouffe says
Wow.. great idea to eat and make people eat cabbage.. -Naina
rekhas kitchen says
I just love ginger chai and lunch box looks great nice spread valli.
jayasree says
I too have the same issue with cabbage- it never seems to get over.
I make molagootal with cabbage and moong dal. Never occured to me to try it this way. Thanks for sharing.
Shri says
This reminds me of my school days, Srivalli!Delicious
Jhanani says
As others said, we enjoy your writing. So keep posting.
Cabbage moong dal looks different. Have to give a try, soon.