Dry curries or poriyal or Vepudu are very appetizing. Its a must in our menu for lunch along with Rice. When we make either dal or Sambar or anything for Rice, a dry dish with vegetable goes without saying. So this also features a lot in the hassle, we have for planning the menu. I had so much difficulty previously on planning menus. Then hubby dear decided that the best would be that we all sit together and plan for a week. Once done, it would be pinned on the kitchen board. So we know what vegetables to buy and what's for each meal. Of course, at times we may do something else unplanned, but having a planned one helps a lot. Planned menu also helps us to balance the vegetable with the colour and the whole appeal. When I started this blog, I had ideas on putting up a menu for the week. But blogger does not give me easy way to come up with a tabular structure that I can enter. If I got to work with code, right now I don't have time. So I am looking for easy ways to do it. Maybe I will just post the menu post and keep editing. Something should be better than nothing right!
Now coming back to the dry side dish that we make, out of all, this is the best that I like. Simple mixed vegetables par boiled and sautéed in less oil and mildly spice. It goes well with anything. Be it dal or sambar or even roties if you feel like. Of course, I like my Amma's better. She brings the nest of the flovours out of this simple dish. At our place, we have beans fry, carrot fry, cabbage fry, and combis of two of these mixed. But as I said combination of all these tastes great.
So here's comes a simple dish that gets cooked in 15 mins.
Ingredients needed:
Finely chopped cabbage - 50 gms
Finely chopped carrots - 50 gms
Finely chopped beans - 50 gms
Coriander leaves - for garnish.
Salt to taste
Yellow Moong Dal - 1/2 cup
Grated coconut - 2 tbsp
Oil - 1 tsp
Mustard seeds - 1/4 tsp
Urud Dal - 1 tsp
Green Chillies - 3 nos
Red Chillies - 2 nos
Curry leaves - few
Method to prepare:
Chop all the vegetables finely. Wash and Cook Moong dal in pan with 1/2 glass water.
Heat a pan with 1 glass water. Once it starts boiling, add carrot and then beans. After 2 mins, add the chopped cabbage. Add little salt and cooked it covered.
You can either pressure cook the vegetables along with the moong dal depending on the time you have. I normally boil water and add everything together and simmer for 10 mins to get cooked.
Then heat a kadai, add oil, temper all the ingredients given for seasoning. Then add the cooked vegetables along with moong dal. You have the moong dal little nicely cooked so that it gets mixed well with the vegetables.
Finally add the grated coconut and finally chopped coriander. This can be made with the Moong dal too.Either ways its great to eat.
Nags says
this is so similar to the thorans made my mallus, except that we substitute coconut in place of moog dal 🙂
How balanced the poriyal becomes if we add moong dal to it!!We used to have every poriyals like this!:))
easycrafts says
Its a nice thing to plan...but i never do...its always last minute decision...ur poriyal looks great
Laavanya says
My mom makes this exact poriyal at home - a favorite.
I love your tomato dosa too Srivalli... I make it similarly and we like it a lot at home.
Kajal says
This is unique way to make the dish and also healthy with beans and carrot. Looks delicious. I will try to participate in your Gravy theme in this month. Let’ see.:)
Sig says
It takes a lot of discipline to prepare a menu for the week, and even more to stick to it...
BTW, you can create the table in word and copy paste to blogger WYSIWYG editor I think, if not download the latest Windows Live Writer and it has table formatting built into it 🙂
Srivalli says
Nags, glad to know..I added coconut too..
Rajeswari...yeah..thats why I always add some lentil to it
ec, yeah planning is important, but sticking to it is so difficult at times
Laavanya, thats nice to know...thanks
Kajal, thank you..looking fwd to your entry
Sig, yeah agree on that...oh thanks..will look into that for help
adventure into cooking says
thanks for the recipe. Im just trying out cooking after years of non cooking.This is real hit at the lunch table.nobody even guesses im new to cooking when they eat this porial.
can yu suggest me some others to choose from.