It’s again that time of the year when you take a moment to ponder on what’s been and what’s to happen. As cliched as it may sound, the year again passed off very quickly. One of the main changes was my boys going to primary school, with it came so many changes that we had to take care of. With so many projects that they were given, which quite literally meant I sit up doing those work. It has been quite challenging and quite depressing as well, as I always end up doing the work at the last moment.
On the blogging front, I have been quite active in Spice your Life!, with Blogging Marathon keeping me going. I have literally racked and tortured my brain to come up with themes that were challenging for my members. More than my own challenging themes, I have been left with a sense of awe, seeing how well they came up with different recipes, meeting the theme requirement.
I started the year with the usual Sankranti special recipes, then went on to do some Melas like Chocolate Mela, Kabab Mela,, Indian Thali Mela, Cookie Mela, 30 Minutes Meal Mela which has been so wonderful. I had infact planned to make an eBook with the Thali Mela details, which is a work in progress.
I ended up doing Party Menu themes, which were so appreciated and asked for more. In July, my parents left to visit my brother. That almost squeezed the interest I had in making anything new. I had to really struggle to meet my BM requirement.
With all the pressure I felt with no cause, I was determined that I should do Navratri Pooja for all ten days. So along with doing BM, I was planning for elaborate menus for the ten day long pooja. On the whole I was so happy that I finally managed to make it.
While all these were happening, on health wise I faced enforced bed rest twice this year. I had to really come in terms with these unexpected emergencies and forced to realize how we take the life so easy. I was determined that I should make the best of every moment. I started doing things that I might otherwise never do, as I never give time for those things. I was feeling so much better, knowing I had enjoyed life in the process.
On the whole, it’s been a year of perceptive inner thinking, making me want to look at things closer and find more meaning for doing what we are doing.
I do not have loftier things for next year planned. I would again want to take time to spend in every aspect of my day, filling it with things that make sense and meaning. Plan and make dishes that I have always wanted. I actually like the way I plan my BM, going through lists and arriving at recipes that meet the theme and also makes me more creative. That way I end up trying out all those bookmarked recipes, always forgotten.
I am never good at making resolutions. I always think, make a resolution, and break it at the earliest. So why even waste time wanting and planning to do something that I might never do.
However, being disciplined and systematic is something that’s innate to me, so will be doing whatever that will give me more experience and enjoyment in the process.
Here’s wishing all my readers a great year ahead and I hope to bring and share more joy from my Kitchen.
As always this is for my Best of the Year 2012 Event.
Priya says
Wonderful write up Valli, wishing you a happy and prosperous new year.
kausers kitchen says
Superb write up dear...
Wish u very happy and peaceful New Year.
Leena says
Wish u happy n prosperous new year to you and ur family dear..
mykitchentrials says
Hope 2013 will be a healthier year for you! Happy new year!