Cabbage is called "Goes" or "Mutta Goes" in Tamil. I remember as a kid, we used to make fun of this vegetable, saying what goes what comes! And I actually don't remember what its called in Telugu. Its so funny really, many things I know in only Telugu and most things in Tamil. But if asked vice versa, you may fine me very perplexed! That's the reason why I started a series called Know your Ingredient!
But as few things wading off with time, if its not pursued with vengeance, this is one of those for me. I really liked working on that series and had gathered quite a lot of data for each Ingredient. Blame the mind for having a selective amnesia. This happily got lost in the myriad of things, that run around my mind. Well, if its something that I am going to work on seriously this year, then this is for you!
Now coming back to Goes, I kind of not like the after effects of eating one. But I read that its very good for woman, in terms of 1 cup a day keeps you fit and healthy. Eating this, we get enzymes and stuffs required to fight cancer. And not to mention the fact that, cabbage has lots of fiber which helps in general metabolism of body. Well, you will think after knowing all these facts I might be more keen in consuming right? Wrong, that's preciously my point. Even after knowing these facts, getting to eat this daily was so difficult. Finally we have reached a point where we are forced to eat this everyday. We have a bowl of par boiled beans and cabbage for dinner. Yuck! Hope hubby dear isn't reading this post! Anyway whether I like it or not before, I have now come to accept it as part of dinner.
Other regulars at Amma's place was Cabbage Kootu. That has a wonderful taste that you will never suspect that cabbage found its way into it. This is one wonderful way of eating Cabbage, without knowing what went into it but which that taste great with rotis. And this, my dear friend proclaimed that I dare not serve this when she visits us. I have all minds, to do just that, only will also make a cabbage feast, to dish up this, yet another delight from Amma. There was a time in the past, when we found with unexpectedly large quantity of cabbage lying around the fridge for ages unknown, this will find its way to lunch as this delicious pakodas! (I am only dramatizing the ages unknown factor, for effect!)
Though Dad always teases Amma that she tests the fridge's longevity standards, she never usually kept the vegetables for more than a day. If you talk about other items, well yes Amma is known for her habit of docking things into fridge and completely forgetting it. Those things, unless and until we happen to remember, will never see the day of light! It used to be funny. This reminds me that I have a tag to play on Show your fridge, guess I will talk more about this in that post. Infact, I feel so bad, I don't remember who tagged me, but I will remember who it is and will do that post sometime soon!
These cabbage pakodas are something out of the world! But then any veggie that finds itself in the company of Gram flour and had done a dance in the oil, will taste great. I know Karela tastes good too. So why not cabbage. But the strange factor is, you will not make out the taste. It tastes so much yummy as Onion Pakodas.So this is what I found Amma having ready for lunch. Well she can't serve just Dal, Rasam and Veggie Fry with Curds for her dear son in law right. Has to add some extra zing to the meal. She normally adds onions along with shredded cabbage, this time she had so much cabbage that she just used only cabbage. We just couldn't find out that it is cabbage.
Ingredients Needed
Cabbage - 250 gms
Besan / Gram Flour - 3 - 4 tbsp
Salt to taste
Chilli powder
Coriander Leaves - 1/2 cup
Curry leaves few
Method to prepare:
Clean and shred cabbage into rough pieces. It can have big chucks of them too.
In a bowl, take the cabbage and add salt chilli powder, chopped coriander, curry leaves and the besan. spoon by spoon. When you start mixing you will know the consistency of the mixture. It should be loose but more packed like in Onion pakodas.
No need to add water, but this again depends on the texture you get. If you add water, it might duck more oil.
Heat a kadai with oil. Once its hot, scoop a spoon full of batter and drop into the hot oil. Simmer for 2 mins and turn around so that both sides are well cooked.
Drain to a kitchen towel.
Serving Tips: These tastes great on its own, with sauce or just plain, as a side for dal
Well that's all folks for today, if you want to catch the action at what's happening to Tom & Jenny's Love story then, rush to the scenes and watch the drama unfolding itself.
Till then happy weekend!
satya says
Hi srivalli,
This is what i serve to the people who don't consume onions.And it is tough to convince them that they are not made of onions.Their expressons are worth seeing.:D
satya says
Thank you and have a great weekend.
Cabbage is really a substitute for onions ..tastes just like onions when we add in deep frying items!
Looks very nice Srivalli!
Happy new year to you!
sureshk says
Why don't you make this Pakoda while partying.It looks yummy.
Sagari says
srivalli pakoda looks so crispy and yummy delecious
KayKat says
Am a big fan of cabbage pakoras, especially the purple cabbage ones 🙂
sra says
You don't know what cabbage is called in Telugu? It is kya-bay-ji. 🙂
But seriously, even I couldn't think of the Telugu name. Cauliflower is called puvvu and tomato is ramamolakkaya, that I know.
Padma says
Srivalli, thanks for ur warm message on my blog, feels good. Happy New Year to u too... Never tried making this pakodas, well primarily becoz may be all my frens lot eat onions 😉
Those look great and have a nice weekend
Mansi Desai says
Thanks so much for your kind and encouraging words on my blog Srivalli:) it's been great meeting you last year:)
these pakodas are my favorites; looks like the gobi manchurian:) as for the writeup, thanks for informing us about the goodness of cabbage:)
Suganya says
My mom makes this for my granny who doesn't take onion pakodas. She even makes vadam with cabbage, like you do with onion. I like the cabbage version better.
Sig says
Looks good Srivalli... I am very nuetral about cabbage, don't love it or hate it.. but this I might love 🙂
aparna says
Nice pakodas, but then I like cabbage! Not the yellowish ones, but the lovely green ones.
Imake these almost like this, just without the curry leaves but adding a bit of asafetida powder and about a tbsp of rice powder. The rice powder makes the pakodas crisp.
Menu Today says
Hi Srivalli,
perfect snack for upwas day!!!
Happy new year:-)
Latha Narasimhan says
Those pakoras will be great to much while blog hopping too! 🙂 Nice recipe and very tempting pictures dear! One thing I noticed, Almost every post of yours has a link to our blog! Thanks a ton for the love you shower upon us dear! Hugs to you!! 🙂 Till feb 2nd week I may not be able to blog much.
Also I am busy with the secret project I mentioned to you!! 😀 It is taking longer to complete!
I will visit you as and when I find time.:)
Bharathy says
Just like watching a comedy show...I mean, felt the same while going thru the interesting post!..somehow felt that the pakoda is right beside me on the teepoy and felt like munching on...after all I do watch interesting shows :)..
crispy pakodas,perfect with a hot cuppa chai!
Jayashree says
Haven't tried this b4, but u make it sound real good.
musical says
Happy New Year to you and your family, dear! Love the cabbage pakodas, my friend's Mom makes similar pakodas with cabbage with gram flour and rava batter, a traditional Maharashtrian recipe. So, am sure these pakoras must have tasted delish! Even people who don't like cabbage would love these :).
Shella says
Srivalli, when very young (once upon a time), i had a strong urge to eat pakoras, n seeing nothing fit to be made into fritters in the fridge, I used cabbage. I really thought that I was a great cook to do this invention!! Little did I know at that time, that I not the first one - Your pakoras look yummm.
Anonymous says
Dear Srivalli,
I go through your blog almost everyday and must say, I have learnt quite a few recipes from you. I made Chinese Fried Rice and Veg Manchurian yesterday after reading your awesome post on Friday. Thanks a lot !!
I am new to the blogosphere and yours is the first blog i started reading when i was searching for some recipe..:)
Take good care and keep up the good work.
Srivalli says
satya, thats great to know! Seriously I can't think of people not liking Onion pakodas. Sad if its health related but otherwise, they are not aware what they are missing. But as you say, this tastes so much like that, that for a moment I was also not sure if it didn't have onions in it!
Rajeswari, Yeah they do right!...great way to eat them!...thank you and Wish you a very happy New Year too!
suresh, sure anytime you want them!
sra, thanks for the enlightenment! My vocabulary of telugu has increased now!..:D...I guess its called "Goesu" as conveyed by my mother and MIL..:D...
Sagari, thanks..glad you liked them!
Padma, Its great to have you back. Not made cabbage pakodas??..then its time for them now!
KayKat, wow..hear that!..we don't get the purple ones here..but am sure it will taste good
Mansi, its been same with me too!..Most welcome..
Suganya, oh vadam with these..maybe you will ask her for us for the recipe???...
Sig, thanks...thats good to know...
Lathamma, so glad that you found time to visit me! It was great reading Lax's post...thought I will post something on the same lines!..yea yah I know..but we are missing your great posts!
aparna, ehmm...I add them too when the mood strikes!...great to know you love cabbage!
MT, you eat these during upwas days??? what a evil thing to do..hehhe...Thank you and Wish you a very happy new year too.
Bharathy, Ehmm glad to know you find them you say watching something interesting gets more interesting when you have such snacks to munch on!
Jayashree, Well thats my marketing skills you say!..:D.
musical, wow..thats a nice inclusion..will try out sometime...good to see you after so long
Srivalli says
Priya, Thanks a lot for the feedback. Glad you like my blog and refer on daily basis. Comments like yours make this much more interesting and worthwhile!..Good that both of it came out well.
Srivalli says
Shella, wow..thats really something I tell ya..thinking on all by yourself...great thing