Never knew one simple dish can dish up so many wonderful memories related to it in your mind. Pesarattu is one such dish for me. Each place is known more by its food and what it means to the people living there. For me, its more like I hear it from my parents who lived in Andhra all their childhood and moved over here because of job and have made this their native. Still seeing them recollect things related to each dish and its importance in their life, makes me wonder if its all in their mind or was it really like that then. Dad, for a very long time, had cherished a dream to go back to his home town to settle down once he retires. But as I said its only a dream. Living in an another city which is far more advanced and more familiar holds lot more than a memory. When I see and hear these things, I wonder how it must be for people who leave their home land and make something else their place to live and grow.
Whenever I think of this, I am reminded of my dad's dear NRI friend. Till a decade back, he used to send his children to India every summer. The elder one was of my age, still I could see so much difference in culture and social behaviour that we had. All of them were very well mannered and behaved kids. But I used to feel bad because they were forced to accept something they don't feel tuned. Imagine, living in a country so different from this, yet you are forced to learn and act as an Indian as in India. We get what we see everyday and thinking gets to be so. Culture is something that's there to know and heritage is something that we should be proud of, But beyond that if we force anybody to embrace, it looses its meaning. What is required for every kid, is to learn good things to grow to be a good human being, void of evil thinking. If he/she can contribute something good to this world, its most welcome, else if they can just enjoy life and not harm anybody or anything in process is more that what they can do to this place. Why I referred to this, is because for a person like me, for whom its only a matter of few kilometers away, still its so much of a culture and importance. Just wondering for people who live so far away.
I always remember the wonderful pesarattu I got to eat on a visit to Tirupati's Bhima's. It was morning that we landed in tirupati, and before leaving to Tirumala, we went to have our breakfast in Bhima's. The place was only then waking up and the hotel was still kind of dark. We sat down to eat and lazy and drowsy waiters were roaming around. One very hesitantly came to take the order. I think he was more cursing us for disturbing his standing sleep. I ordered Rava dosa and pesarattu.Rava dosa is another fav of mine. But let me talk about Attu. It was very deliciously roasted served with coconut chutney. What stands back in memory is that, I was reluctant to gobble it as we had to hurry back.
The other times, it has been Dad asking Amma for Pesarattu. He always wanted Upma to be accompanied.Infact Pesarattu Upma was my second post on this blog. I was asked questions on this strange combination. I religiously questioned Amma back on the same. But she didn't have an idea. Dad said, that somebody must've tried this combi and must've felt it goes well. Even he wasn't sure of the origin of this strange combination. There are things like MLA Pesarattu and Attu. Maybe on another day I will try to enrich myself with google. For now, I just would like to go ahead sharing my Pesarattu Upma as a dish my family most enjoys.
During our visit to my parents home, this is what we enjoyed one of the mornings. I forgot to soak the moong dal and Amma had to get up early to soak and keep the batter ready for breakfast. Since the morning was chill, I wasn't sure if it would come up well. But it came out beautifully well roast, crispy and tasty. I topped it with finely chopped onions and Cumin seeds and sprinkling with little ghee for real homely taste. I ensured I served parents real hot from tawa and in the way I make it. So was really very glad when Dad, seeing the plate asked me if I had clicked! I thought why not, this makes a wonderful remembrance of a memory that would always live alive till my last breath! I wish that day comes sooner, when I can again share another Pesarattu with them.
Be sure to check out my paintings in the latest story that has unfolded in the sad life of Jenny in Tom & Jenny ~ A Love Story part 5!
Happy Sanskranthi, may the light dawn on all and let all old and bad thoughts get cleaned away from all our minds. Essentially that's what I think is the meaning of Sanskranthi~ a new beginning!
Will be back on Monday, till then happy weekend.
Miri says
Bhima's was also my first time eating MLA pessarattu - the crispy pessarattu stuffed with melt in your mouth Upma - I love making pessarattu but have never made it with upma at home - your parents must have enjoyed the treat!
Jayashree says
I too have wondered what the reasoning behind pesarattu upma is....personally I feel that is too heavy....but the plain pesarattu, i do like.
musical says
Happy Sankranthi to you too, Srivalli! Pesarattu-upma combo is a much loved combo. I love them both and together they rock! Though i never knew what was the origin of this combo. They really taste good together, that's all that matters :).
DEEPA says
Pesarattu!!! wow!!!If you have it hot it taste awesome .....Nice one ...
Sig says
Everyone has this dream of going back to their roots, but the fact of the matter is that the places must have changed, and for sure the people have changed too... I too feel bad for the NRI kids who are forced to visit India and act like Indians, and even worse, who are forced to relocate to India when they are teenagers, what a culture shock that must be to them!
Cynthia says
Hon, you're right, you can't force people, they should feel it in order to embrace it.
Nags says
pesarattu is one dosa i have begun to love after moving to hyderabad 🙂
Looks very crispy!
Anonymous says
Happy pongal Valli. Pessaratuu story is interesting to read. Your andhra style curry leaves chutney, masala idli and lunch box series are very nice. The potato peas kurma is mouth watering. Viji (Vcuisine)
Superchef says
Happy Sankranti!!
Tee says
looks yummy! I have never seen pesarattu-upma combo before...should try this as both are my favorites! 🙂
satya says
Happy sankranti to you and your family Srivalli.
Bharathy says
Your parents are really lucky to get you as their daughter!
the real love and care for them has turned the pesarattu so lovely!..
One of the best I have come across!:)
Bharathy says
Happy pongal!!!!:)
Sia says
i had lunch at bhima's in b'lore and the taste still lingers in my tongue:) wonderful read sri. happy pongal to u too:)
Srivalli says
Miri..glad to know that...yeah it tastes different with this should surely try it out!
Jayashree, yeah agree with you...thats the reason why i just serve one spoon of upma...plain pesarattu is great too
musical, thank you and Happy Sankranthi to you too, glad to know so many fans for this dish!
Deepa..hhaha...nice to know you love it so much!
Sig, glad you agree on that....the plight of them is worse to imagine!
Cynthia, thanks..only only all think that way!
Viji, Thanks so much on checking on all of them...Glad you liked them.
Nags, great to know that!
Rajeswari, yeah it was ..thanks
Tee, then I recommend you do soon!
Manju, Thanks for the wishes and wish you happy Sankranti too!
satya Thanks for the wishes and wish you happy Sankranti too!
Bharathy, thanks for the sweet means a lot to me!...glad you liked it my friend! Wish you a very happy pongal too!
Sia, wow..thats nice to hear...
Padma says
I love Andhra Pesarattu specially from the roadside tiffins hotel. I like to have with plenty or onions.. but did not try with Upma, I never understood the combination which is always narrated in many telugu films..
Srivalli says
Padma, yeah I too add lots of onion and jeera to it...hhaha..same here...but since dad insists on this combi..we prepare!